AimlessWanderings Wiki

The Eleven Doctors is the first episode of The Pompous Doctor's second wave Walkies in the Death Zone.


Eleven Doctors, one room, and the most convoluted plot conceivable.


The Doctor and Martin the Pug crash land and part of the TARDIS falls off and finds itself in the centre of the field. The Doctor must find and fix the device, but it keeps sending him back in time until at one point there are eleven Doctors. Eventually, the device is fixed and The Doctor returns to give Martin a telling off.


The Doctor[]

We discover in this story that The Doctor has as little patience with himself as he has with everybody else.

Martin the Pug[]

Martin is the cause of the problem, after accidentally setting the controls that caused the TARDIS to crash land. He seems to reveal no trace of guilt for his actions.



The DoctorBilly Treacy


Written by - Billy Treacy

Music - Daniel Sherratt

Theme Tune - Billy Treacy

Sound Design - Billy Treacy

Cover Art - Billy Treacy

Produced by - Billy Treacy

Based on half an idea by - Jon Gransden
